GAL is located at Civil Aerodrome, Kanpur which is actually within the city. Most other flying training academies in the country are located several miles away from the city in the rural areas whereas GAL is located within the city and infact just 2 kms away from the main city centre.
Unlike other airports which have runway from 75-100 feet wide, our airport has a 3500 feet long and 150 feet wide runway which means muchgreater safety margins for the students. Kanpur also has a DVOR and NDB which allows the students to practice instrument flying. Chakeri Airport located about 5 kms from Civil Airpot also has ILS, VOR and NDB approaches which enables our students to practice precision as well as non-precision approaches.
Civil Airport has a dedicated and allotted airspace for flying training purposes leading to undisturbed flying throughout the year. GAL is the only operator at Civil Aerodrome, Kanpur which means that there is no traffic to interrupt the flying training activities and this means greater and better utilisation of every minute of flying time of the student. At other airports which have several operators/ traffic students mostly waste a large amount of their precious time just waiting on the ground for clearance and are unable to take the most out of their sorties.